The Kingdom Lifestyle Global ~ The Kingdom Mindset

The Kingdom Lifestyle Global

The Most Sacred Relationship

The Kingdom Lifestyle Global introduces water and cleansing through the relationship with God. I am Monique' Raquel Ybarra, dedicated to reminding individuals about the importance of water in the religion.

Peace & Joy

To those of you that Abba Father has drawn to His presence through The Kingdom Lifestyle Global ~ The Kingdom Mindset Ministry, welcome. Welcome to "your journey" to new life and that more abundantly. Welcome to the Jeremiah 29:11 relationship with Abba, His thoughts, and His ways of new life/living.

You will experience a relationship with the Father through Yeshua/ Christ Jesus. Daily as you give Abba Father your "surrender" ~ your "yes," with holy expectancy… expect Abba Father to reveal Himself to you as your "relationship" grows, and you become whole and more empowered in and through Him! Welcome to His Thoughts, Good not Evil, Hope In God, and His Expected Kingdom Lifestyle/ Life for you. I decree and declare in the name of Yeshua Hamashiach… Amen and Amen. It is so.

The Kingdom Lifestyle Global
The Kingdom Lifestyle Global

Wisdom & Understanding

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